This is the Final Exam. It includes 50 questions worth 2 points each. You will need to achieve a score of 70% to pass.
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The building code identifies every building by an Occupancy Classification from A to F based on its intended use. Match the occupancy classification.
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Group F
To make building requirements less restrictive a A Group A Division 2 facility like a small restaurant my be classified as a Group D Business and Personal Services if it has an Occupant load less than ______.
Who is responsible to comply with the Building and Fire Codes?
The first step in a Company Inspection Program is to:
Why do Company fire prevention inspections?
Fire inspection training programs often refer to the three “E’s” of fire prevention which are Education, Engineering and Enforcement.
Which of the following are fire safety concerns on the outside of the building?
When buildings are equipped with an automatic sprinkler system they must have a Fire Department Connection. Fire Department Connections should have proper signs that clearly identify them for use by the fire department.
The distance between 2 exits in a room or area should be:
Emergency lights should be tested _______ but also require annual inspection, testing and maintenance by a qualified technician
The Fire Code says that exit doors must be maintained so that they open freely when a force of about _______ pounds is applied to the panic hardware.
The diagonal distance of the floor area in a room with 2 exits is 30 meters. What is the minimum distance the exits should be separated by?
Exit corridors should be a minimum width of ______ wide.
Door wedges, elephant feet and other objects like planters can be used to hold doors in the open position as long as they are removed at night.
When performing an assessment, fire separation doors should be pulled free of the magnets that hold them open and be allowed to close by themselves.
All fire separation doors are required to have a permanent sign on both sides of the door stating that the door is to be kept in the closed position.
It is important that fire separation doors positively latch because fire creates sufficient pressure to partially open the door.
Doors in fire separations can be wedged open during daylight hours, but must be closed at night.
Openings in fire separations are allowed but must be protected by closures such as a door, fire damper, wired glass or glass block.
Normally suites in a building must be fire separated from each other even if they are used for the same purpose. An exception to this is suites used for business and personal services are not required to be separated from each other.
Fire drills are required to be done:
A _______ in-depth test of the entire fire alarm system must be performed by a qualified person acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
Records of the inspection, testing and maintenance of fire protection systems are required to be kept for a period of _________.
The Fire Department can require a fire watch anytime a fire protection system is out of service.
Heat detectors react much faster to fire than smoke detectors.
Heat detectors operate by rate of rise or fixed temperature.
A single stage fire alarm system sounds a general evacuation alarm signal throughout the building.
A two stage fire alarm alerts supervisory staff on duty about the fire emergency but does not immediately cause a general alarm.
Visual signal devices must be installed in buildings intended for use by persons with a hearing impairment.
A class ‘A’ extinguisher works best on:
There are five classes of fire extinguishers identified by the letters:
Portable extinguishers should be installed on proper mounting brackets so the top of the extinguisher is no more than _______ above floor level.
Portable fire extinguishers are not required in:
Which of the following statements is NOT true? Fire extinguishers:
‘B’ class portable extinguishers are used to extinguish fires in ordinary combustibles like a small waste container.
It’s easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you can remember the acronym ‘PASS’ which stands for: Pull – Aim – Squeeze – Sweep.
Portable extinguishers must be ULC approved with a minimum “2A” rating.
Fire safety plans include:
The fire code defines supervisory staff as those occupants of a building who have some delegated responsibility for the fire safety of other occupants under the fire safety plan.
The fire safety plan should cover fire prevention, evacuation and emergency response.
A copy of the fire safety plans should be kept in the building and made available to the fire department upon request. It is recommended the plan be kept at the fire alarm control panel.
In a wet pipe sprinkler system which of the following are true?
An OS&Y valve is in the open position when the threads on the valve stem are visible.
Sprinkler control valves are to be locked in the open position or be equipped with a valve monitor or tamper switch.
It is okay to paint a sprinkler head as long as combustible paint is used.
Standpipes are intended to be used by trained occupants when the fire is in the incipient stage and there is no need for protective clothing or breathing apparatus.
Commercial kitchen exhaust systems must be operating:
Which of the following statements are true? Hood lighting must be:
The most common method for automatic actuation of wet chemical fire protection systems is:
At least one manual activation device must be located a minimum of 12 feet and a maximum of 20 feet from the kitchen appliance being protected.